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Grade 5 Book talks Fiction Titles American Chiller series by Johnathan RandCall # FIC RANClub CSI series by David LewmanCall # FIC LEWDear Dumb Diary series by Jim BentonCall # FIC BENField Trip Mysteries series by Steve BrezenoffCall # FIC BREHocus Pocus Hotel series by Michael DahlCall # FIC DAHJustin Case series by Rachel VailCall # FIC VAILiar and Spy by Rebecca SteadCall # FIC STEShadow Children series by Margaret Peterson HaddixCall # FIC HADScreech Owls series by Roy MacGregorCall # FIC MACTheodore Boone series by John GrishamCall # FIC GRIVet Volunteers series by Laurie Halse AndersonCall # FIC ANDNonfiction Titles various call #sInside series by various authorsvarious call #sLife in Strange Places by Harry BreidahlCall # 579 BREOwen & Mzee told by Isabella HatkoffCall #599.6 HATRecipes for your Health series by Nancy TuminellyCall # 641.5 TUMTitanic: Voices from the Disaster by Deborah HopkinsonCall # 363.2 HOPWhich Came First series by various authorsvarious call #sYou Choose series by various authorsvarious call #s