• All of the resources on the "How Do I" tab are great but here is a list of some of the Video resources we often recommend or provide during trainings.
    Link    Description
    Pages and Apps OverviewLength: 2 minutes
    Explains the difference between a page and an app.
    Adjust Photos in a Photo Gallery AppLength: 4 minutes
    Demonstrates how to edit photos in a Photo Gallery
    Share Apps VideoLength: 2 minutes
    Demonstrates how to share an app with other users or groups. You use apps to add content to your site homepage and on pages within each section. If your channels include homepages and calendars, you will use apps to add content there as well.
    Work with Existing AppsLength: 4 minutes
    Demonstrates how to add an existing app to a page
    Work with New AppsLength: 2 minutes
    Demonstrates how to add, rename, remove and organize apps on a page, as well as change a page layout.
    Work with Tagging Length: 4.5 minutes
    Demonstrates how to add tags to Headlines & Features, Blog and Podcast apps.