- WNYRIC Webs That Work
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- WNYRIC Webs That Work
- Paste from Word Test
Season' s Greetings!
The few weeks before Winter Break
will be full of special programs and many field trips, in addition to our daily
focus on Reading, Writing, Math and problem-solving learning tasks. You can
help your child have a successful month by continuing to make learning a
priority during the holiday bustle. This includes maintaining daily homework,
reading time and sleep schedules. As you choose Holiday gifts for your child
remember to include books and games that support learning.This holiday season we are being “Bucket-fillers” at school
and in the community. Charles Upson students and staff have once again added
holiday greetings to the “World’s Largest Greeting Card for our Troops” that
has been created in our community. We have supported the Salvation Army canned
food drive. We have graciously been invited to a holiday performance by the
music department at Lockport High School. Kindness can be shown to others at
school and at home by using positive words, sharing and helping others. Each day
throughout the month have your children tell you the acts of kindness that they
have participated in and witnessed!I wish you wonderful holidays.
Throughout the vacation have your child continue to read, journal about their
experiences and their thoughts about what they are reading, and practice math
facts. Practice makes permanent!Remember that the children will continue to go outside daily
for recess. Boots, snow pants and outerwear are necessary and make wonderful
holiday gifts.Feel free to call me at anytime if I can be of assistance.
Roberta Donovan, Principal